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  • Writer's pictureVictoria Falcone-Pawar

Be proud of who you are & flaunt it

Everyone has their own views on what they think is beautiful. Everyone has their own thoughts on what makes them beautiful. And there are so many blurry lines when it comes to beauty, body image & self-image. I would be a hypocrite if I said I have always had a good body image, a good self-image & views on myself. I am here to tell you that if you believe that you are beautiful inside & out, no matter what you have been through, you will exude those thoughts into positivity & external views.

Having Marfan Syndrome, I always had an issue with my weight. When I was younger, before I was diagnosed, I was always rail thin & could not gain weight. I also had body issues and it eventually spiraled into anorexia. It is a time in my life I am certainly not proud of but now looking back it was a teaching moment for me. Once things got bad, my mom & doctor at the time basically told me I had two choices: be hospitalized for anorexia or see a nutritionist and gain weight. I chose the nutritionist. Everyone says losing weight is tough and I cannot speak from experience, but what I can tell you is that gaining weight is very difficult as well. I was super emotional and nasty during the time I saw my nutritionist because my body was changing and I was finally gaining weight but it worked and I finally started to fill out.

Body image is something that is frayed in this day. We all think there is a certain way we should look, act & be in order to be beautiful & it is all bullshit. If you are comfortable with who you are, that is what makes you beautiful. I was worried about my scar after my open-heart surgery, I was worried about what people would think when they saw it & how I would feel when I saw my scar but once I realized that it is our flaws that make us beautiful I learned to love my scar and what it represents. Every time I look at my scar I remember the hardest time in my life but that I came out the other side stronger & better than ever. I did a photoshoot with my wedding photographer & her photos showed me how beautiful we can be depending on how you view yourself.

I am a 28 year old Marfan Syndrome patient who has had a major lung surgery & open-heart surgery & I have 2 bad ass scars. One scar on my side from lung surgery & a big scar down my chest & I love my scars. It took some time and a lot of work but I learned to love my flaws, love my story & my scars. Stand up and be proud of who you are! Be proud of who you are and flaunt it!!!!!

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